Skripsi S1

Record Data Skripsi S1
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Abstrak :
Penelitian ini menganalisis tentang penerapan Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) pada mesin Thermoforming dengan menggunakan metode Overall Equipment Effectiveness(OEE). Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) adalah untuk meningkatkan produktivitas pada perlengkapan dan peralatan produksi dengan investasi perawatan yang seperlu nya sehingga mencegah terjadinya 6 kerugian besar (Six Big Losses). Six Big Losses yang menyebabkan kerugian tersebut diantaranya adalah : Kerugian karena kerusakan peralatan (Breakdown Losses), kerugian karena pemasangan peralatan (Set up and Adjustment Losses), kerugian karena beroperasi tanpa beban maupun berhenti sesaat ( Idling and Minor Stoppages), kerugian karena penurunan kecepatan produksi ( Reduced Speed Losses), kerugian karena cacat produk dalam proses (Rework Losses), kerugian karena hasil rendah (Yield/Scrap Losses), Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan nilai OEE pada mesin Thermoforming pada bulan juni 2019 diperoleh nilai : Availability = 98,42% memenuhi standar JIPM sebesar 90%, Performance Efesiensi = 99,81% memenuhi standar JIPM sebesar 95%, Quality of rate = 99,81% kondisi ini memenuhi standar JIPM dengan sebesar 99%, Dan nilai Hasil nilai OEE = 98,04% produksi dianggap kelas dunia. Skor ini adalah skor yang cocok untuk dijadikan goal jangka panjang. Akan tetapi pada bulan februari 2018 diperoleh nilai Avaibility = 88,91% tidak memenuhi standar JIPM sebesar 90%, Performance Efesiensi = 95,94% memenuhi standar JIPM sebesar 95%, Quality of rate 99,24% kondisi ini memenuhi standar JIPM sebesar 99%, dan nilai hasil OEE 83,91% produksi dianggap wajar, tapi menunjukkan ada ruang yang besar untuk Inprovement,
Abstrak Inggris :
This research analyzes the application of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) on Thermoforming machines using the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) method. Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is to increase productivity in production equipment and equipment by investing in necessary maintenance so as to prevent the occurrence of 6 big losses (Six Big Losses). The Six Big Losses that cause these losses include: Losses due to equipment damage (Breakdown Losses), losses due to equipment installation (Set up and Adjustment Losses), losses due to operating without load or stopping for a moment (Idling and Minor Stoppages), losses due to reduced speed production (Reduced Speed ??Losses), losses due to product defects in the process (Rework Losses), losses due to low yields (Yield/Scrap Losses), Based on the results of calculating the OEE value on the Thermoforming machine in June 2019, the value was obtained: Availability = 98, 42% Meets JIPM standards of 90%, Performance Efficiency = 99.81% meets JIPM standards of 95%, Quality of rate = 99.81%, this condition meets JIPM standards of 99%, and the resulting OEE value = 98.04 % of production is considered world class. This score is a score that is suitable as a long-term goal. However, in February 2018, the Availability value = 88.91% did not meet the JIPM standard of 90%, Performance Efficiency = 95.94% met the JIPM standard of 95%, Quality of rate was 99.24%, this condition met the JIPM standard of 99 %, and the OEE yield value of 83.91% of production is considered reasonable, but shows there is large room for improvement.
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